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Rise in Cybercrime and Identity Theft

Cybercrime and identity theft among Canadians has skyrocketed in recent years.

In 2020, it was recorded that 57% of Canadians had reported being a victim of cybercrime, making it the most common cyber threat that Canadians are likely to encounter.1

Cybercriminals work around the clock, constantly learning new and stealthier ways to steal your information.

Utilizing sensitive material, they take over a person’s identity or account information for fraud and extortion to make financial gains.

With identity theft on the rise and affecting a majority of Canadians today, we created IDSeal Titan as a form of protection so consumers can better face these cybercriminals.

IDSeal Titan is a first of its kind Digital Privacy and Device Protection Suite. With the ability to protect your devices in real-time, IDSeal Titan guards your personal identity, sensitive information, and devices 24/7 with its shield of protection.

Of the Canadians that reported cybercrime, almost 80 % of the incidents were the result of phishing attacks via email, fraudulent websites, and computer infections.2

With the increase of consumers going online for simple daily necessities, cybercriminals are working overtime to trick you into schemes in which they can access your personal information.

With IDSeal Titan, you can stop these criminals in their tracks and again safely browse the internet without being traced or tracked, fend off threats proactively, and maintain your digital privacy.

How IDSeal Titan Helps Keep You More Secure

  1. Keeps your private information private. IDSeal Titan protects your private data by scanning and encrypting your personal information such as login data, documents, and other sensitive material and then hides them in a secure vault on your computer. It also provides a safety feature that blocks others from accessing your microphone and webcam. 
  2. Ensures safe and private web surfing. By blocking unsafe websites, hacking attempts, and malicious scripts IDSeal Titan protects your online safety. It also protects your digital footprint by blocking tracking records and utilizes a digital fingerprint scrambler. All while the VPN feature works to keep your information secure and anonymous while web surfing on both private and public WiFi networks. 
  3. Protects your devices from digital threats. Antivirus software protects your devices from viruses, malware, ransomware, trojans, and spyware.
  4. Securely Backs Up Data. IDSeal Titan keeps your data protected with 2 Terabytes of secure Cloud Backup.In today’s age, the risk of your personal information being exposed by cybercriminals will always be there. Let IDSeal Titan help secure your private information and help prevent yourself from becoming a victim of identity theft.



1. Finlay, C., Bardeesy, K. & Su, Y. (2020, July 9).
Advancing a Cybersecure Canada: Introducing the Cybersecure Policy Exchange.
Retrieved from: https://www.cybersecurepolicy.ca/agenda

2. Statistics Canada . (2019, December 2). Cybercrime in Canada. Retrieved from: https://www150.statcan.gc.ca/n1/pub/89-28-0001/2018001/article/00015-eng.htm

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IDSeal Titan provides tools and resources to protect your data and identity, but it is impossible to eliminate the risk of cybercrime or identity theft entirely. Your own efforts to prevent unauthorized access play an important role, and the security of your personal information depends on your use of proper physical, electronic and procedural safeguards.